I won a blue ribbon at the 2003 Ohio State Fair for a fiber project!!!!! I was blessed to be able to use a needle-felting machine to make a great rug! Needless to say this is very exciting and encouraging for me. 


My fiber journey this year has been mostly knitting, buying stuff, and getting exposed to fiber arts as a business. I have been able to attend several fiber events and retreats this year. It is so cool to get together with other fiber people to learn, share, and of course shop.


I have sold a few items some hand knit scarves and a couple of purses.


We are currently working on putting together a fiber show for next year! I think it’s going to be awesome. If you are interested in coming, vending or ENTERING please ask for more information at mitziross1@aol.com


I am in the process of organizing a spin-in group for southern Ohio area. We have several new and experienced spinners who are going to start meeting for monthly spin-ins. We hope these spin-ins will be fun and also educational for everyone. If interested please email me at mitziross1@aol.com


I guess I will always be in the learning phase – I learn every time I spin, knit or prepare fiber. I am finding working with fiber and making products more fun and relaxing the more I do it.


I can’t believe that I can say this but…


I am turning into a “FIBER MAVEN”!